Profile der Wissenschaftsbotschafter/innen

Dr. Erich Griessler

  • 4 Besuche pro Jahr
  • Regionen: Niederösterreich, Wien
  • Keine anfallenden Kosten für die Schule


  • Soziologie
  • Techniksoziologie
  • Science and Technology Studies
  • Politische Soziologie

Aktuelle Projekte

NewHoRRIzon: NewHoRRIzon is a project that aims at further integrating Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in the research and innovation system on national and international levels. The concept of RRI is an approach which intends to bridge gaps between science, research and innovation communities and society at large by fostering more inclusive, anticipatory, open and responsive research and innovation systems. In this frame, multiple stakeholders (from research, business, policy making, education and civil society) are involved in research and innovation on the project and system level to better align its processes and outcomes with the values, needs and expectations of society. A first big step was the operationalisation of RRI into the following six key elements: ethics, gender equality, governance, public engagement, science education and open access.


SATORI: SATORI is a 45-month project, comprising 17 partners from 12 countries, including an intergovernmental organisation, the aim of which is to improve respect of ethics principles and laws in research and innovation, and to make sure that they are adequately adapted to the evolution of technologies and societal concerns. The partners will develop an ethics assessment framework based on thorough analysis, commonly accepted ethical principles, participatory processes and engagement with stakeholders, including the public, in Europe and beyond. Within this project Erich Griessler did research on the instituionalization, practice and challenges of research ethics committees on Austrian universities.


Auszug aus dem wissenschaftlichen Werdegang

Erich Griessler leitet am Institut für Höhere Studien seit 2016 die Forschungsgruppe "Techno Science & Societal Transformation". Er studierte Soziologie und Geschichte an den Universitäten Wien und Maastricht (Dr. phil. 1995). Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen in den "Social Studies of Science and Technology", der Einbindung der Öffentlichkeit in Forschung und Innovation und Politik, der "Ethischen, Rechtlichen und Sozialen Aspekte" von Forschung und Innovation, der politischen Regulierung von Biotechnologie, in politischer Soziologie, Citizen Science und in "Responsible Research and Innovation" (RRI). Erich Griessler hat in zahlreichen internationalen und österreichischen Projekten mitgearbeitet und solche geleitet.

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Institut für Höhere Studien Wien


Forschungsgruppe "Techno Science & Societal Transformation"

reale Besuche in

  • Niederösterreich
  • Wien
