Profile der Wissenschaftsbotschafter/innen

Zahra Babaiee

  • 6 Besuche pro Jahr
  • Bevorzugte Region: Wien
  • Besucht gerne folgende Schulstufen: SEK II
  • Keine anfallenden Kosten für die Schule
  • Besuche ausschließlich auf Englisch


  • Bio-inspired, small and robust deep vision systems

Aktuelle Projekte

Receptive fields inspired by human eye for artificial intelligence: In this project, we studied the special center-surround structure of the receptive fields of human eye and applied it to the artificial vision systems which improved the accuracy of object-detection by these systems.

Pruning large neural networks by attention mechanism: In this project, we trained large neural networks in a way that the network learns to make itself smaller with a special attention mechanism. Our networks perfomed even better than their large counterparts.

Auszug aus dem wissenschaftlichen Werdegang

  • 2014-2019: Bachelor's degree at Sharif University of Technology, Iran
  • 2019-present: Ph.D. student at TU Wien, Doctoral College on Resilient Embedded Systems


Technische Universität Wien


University Assistant | Artificial Intelligence

eBesuche für alle Schulen, realer Besuch in

  • Wien
